Lost & Found Table

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    Product Name:
    Lost & Found Table

    Design Year:

    L 59in/150cm x W 38in/96.5cm x H 16in/41cm

    Marble, Solid Brass

    Unique and Limited Production

    Made in New York

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The Lost & Found Table is a singular piece, composed by chance.

The table repurposes a found marble stone off-cut of polished Rosa Alicante Marble to create a striking surface that harmonizes smooth lines and raw edges. The stone’s inward arc cues the radial pattern of the solid brass supports, which are arranged with intricate multiplicity. The supports expand outwards, the spaces between them increasing as they radiate towards the periphery. The resulting array is evocative of the carefully orchestrated components of a musical instrument.

Artfully combining highly refined surfaces with the innate irregularities of chance breakage, the Lost & Found Table has a natural opulence.

Unique and Limited Production.